Kids Corner
Hi Kids! Michael & Megan invite you to play our games and fun activities! There’s lots to explore!
Hi Parents! Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation Kids Corner has engaging children’s activities, educational videos and games all rooted in the love of growing our own food and taking care of our Mother Earth. They are fun, easy, safe, free to use, and created for preschoolers and primary grade kids. For more information, see our For Parent’s Section below.
Inquiring Minds. Inspiring Finds.
Inspiring Children to Achieve Their Full Potential
These video snippets introduce us to children from around the world who have become positive rays of hope and inspiration to all. Just one positive thought shared with a child can change their day, or even their life. Check back for new inspirations!

Michael & Megan’s Games
Play free, fun games inspired by the colourful children’s stories: Plant a See & See What Grows and What to Do with What You Grew by Roland Gahler.

Fun With Brady
Print and Play some fun puzzles and activities! Brady, an amazing young artist, drew these for you to enjoy!

Plant a Seed Activities
Discover our fun Plant a Seed Activities to keep youngsters engaged and learning! We’re posting new downloadable activities regularly so check back often. Older children can get involved by helping to plan these activities for younger ones. Available in English and French. Enjoy!
Activités sème et vois ce qui adviendra
Série de cahiers d’activités de jardinage et d’observation téléchargeables visant à permettre aux enfants de s’amuser tout en apprenant à mieux connaître les richesses de la nature et de l’agriculture. Les plus vieux prendront souvent plaisir à prendre part aux préparatifs et accompagner les plus jeunes. Revenez souvent, car de nouvelles publications s’ajoutent régulièrement.
For Parents
Michael & Megan’s Kids Corner is also a gateway to encourage further exploration:
- Trace the pathway from a seed to a serving of food on your own table
- Visit a farmers’ market or local grocery store and discover what happens with plants after they’re harvested
- Visit a local farm to learn about how plants are grown and harvested as crops, and how a farm is operated
- Learn about various nutrition labels such as organic or non-GMO on products in your own kitchen and what they tell us
- Support your existing school/community garden program or be part of a movement to establish such gardens
- Discover the many places seeds can be grown from the classroom, to back/front yards, to containers/living walls/balconies, to greenhouses and farms
- Talk about concepts such as: healthy eating; eating locally; backyard/urban farming, food choices to reduce environmental impact
The list is limited only by a child’s interest and imagination.

Online Event Recordings
Watch and enjoy our recorded live stream events – from virtual tours, to storytelling and performances. A great way to learn about the natural world.

Seeds of Inspiration Workbooks
Engage the children in your care with these educational and entertaining workbooks: learn the process of planting a seed, taking care of it and watching it grow to nourish our friends and families. Available in English and French for two different primary grade age groups.
Children’s Books
Plant a Seed & See What Grows
$12.95 US/CDN Hard Copy
To order English or French versions, please click here.
What to Do with What You Grew
$12.95 US/CDN Hard Copy
To order English or French versions, please click here.
Sème et vois ce qui adviendra
Que feras-tu de ta récolte ?
All proceeds from the sale of these books are used to support the initiatives of the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation.