Working in a food garden is a blast for kids. Having helped spearhead a number of community and school garden initiatives throughout Canada, Plant a Seed can certainly attest to this. The smiles on the faces of children who get involved are priceless. While having one at your home provides for an enjoyable hobby and family activity, current events have also taught us that it offers a whole lot more. Communicate to your children the following benefits of maintaining your own food garden and they’ll enjoy a more sustainable (and fruitful) future.
Top 3 Essential Benefits of Growing a Food Garden at Home in 2022 and Beyond
Reduces Reliance on the Supply Chain

At press (November 2021) your children will have learned about the flooding that is taking place in Western Canada in BC. Images of empty grocery store shelves grace newspaper covers and after school news programs. This particular current event is just one of innumerable examples of supply chain disruptions that can impact the food that gets put on the table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It makes us grownups uneasy, so imagine what your kids are thinking?
These unfortunate instances provide you with an invaluable teaching opportunity. Start by teaching your children about how the food supply chain works. From there you can make it clear as to how having your own food garden will ensure that the family enjoys access to healthy food no matter what is happening “out there”.
Keeps the Family Healthy and Strong
As a parent, how many times have you forgotten whether or not you gave your kids their one-a-day multivitamin in the morning before school? You want to ensure that they have received their required nutrients for the day, but having read the product label you know not to exceed the recommended daily dose of any supplement. As as result you err on the side of caution, and may end up sending them to bed without giving their minds and bodies adequate nutrients. Do you know what form of nutrient delivery you don’t have to worry about? Organic fruits and vegetables. You won’t be struggling to remember if they had their carrot sticks in the AM. If in doubt, go ahead and let them grab another serving from the garden. There is no such thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to homegrown fruits and veggies!
The example above speaks to how it’s important to reduce household reliance on bottled items from the local pharmacy to prevent colds, flus, and enhance the health of everyone in your brood. Yes, there is certainly value in keeping high-quality natural health supplements (i.e. Natural Factors) in your pantry. However, there’s nothing quite like being able to harvest essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from your own garden. As a result, your ohana will be happier, healthier, and stronger than ever!
For greater detail on this essential benefit, please reference the following articles from the Plant a Seed and See What Grows Foundation:
- How to Beat the Cold and Flu with Food from Your Garden (not yet published, sent yesterday)
- Antioxidants to Grow in Your Family Garden
- Medicinal Herbs to Grow in Your Family Garden
Provides for an Engaging Learning Environment
The importance of providing alternative learning environments (outside of traditional schools) is another thing that has become very clear over the last 18-months. That said, it’s not just about being prepared for disruptions in the school year. Homeschooling in Canada has consistently grown at an average rate of more than 5 percent per year – before the pandemic! Whether as a replacement, supplement, or complement to traditional educational environments, a home garden is a place where your children will gain knowledge and learn valuable skills. When you combine this engaging environment with our Foundation’s outdoor workbooks and learning tools your children will get even greater value from the experience.
Learn more about what the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation is doing to promote the growth of sustainable food gardens throughout Canada.