Newsletter Spring 2016

An Inspiring Event!
Our host, Roland Gahler and presenting sponsor, Natural Factors, together with the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation, welcomed more than 300 guests to the lavish ballroom at the Fairmont Waterfront hotel for a lovely evening of good food, great wine, entertainment and fundraising. We were delighted to have Cityline host, Tracy Moore as our engaging and polished Master of Ceremonies for the evening, thanks to our media partner – Rogers Media.
Guests were welcomed to the Gala by the fun and energetic Langley Ukulele Ensemble, and then entertained by the smooth tones of the Max Zipursky Trio during dinner. Roland Gahler and auctioneer, Marc Bergevin got the fundraising rolling with a fast-paced Live Wine Auction during the reception, while acrobatic painter, Amanda Shaztka created her unique style of aerial artistry overhead. Throughout the evening guests bid generously on the many Silent Auction items – from wines and hockey tickets, to vacations and one-of-a-kind experiences.
MC Tracy Moore and auctioneer Marc Bergevin led a spirited Live Auction featuring original artwork to round out the fundraising and the evening’s festivities. We deeply appreciated having the contributions of so many talented and inspirational artists. Many of the gifted artists attended the event, allowing guests the opportunity to truly appreciate the stories and inspiration behind each creation.
Roland Gahler shared his heartfelt story about the “seeds” that shaped his life and led him to create the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation, which will help children achieve their potential and realize their dreams, while being good stewards of the earth and each other. The inspiration continued with a lively discussion between Roland and youth advocate, Rachel Parent about Non-GMO issues. Roland finished his presentation with a video introducing the Foundation and a fun-filled Michael and Megananimation that may be found in the Kids Corner of our website.
” One seed can grow a forest, one child can change the world, one idea can inspire a generation.”
Altogether $563,180 was raised in support of the Foundation. This includes the Gala’s successful Direct Appeal which received a leadership pledge of $100,000 from the Foundation’s patron Roland Gahler. The Direct Appeal pledges have provided seed money for the Foundation’s See What Grows Outdoor Learning Experienceswhich will enable at least 20 elementary school classes to enjoy a farm visit or share in other outdoor learning experiences, and will support more than 10 schools in creating a school garden to help green their schoolyard and provide hands-in-the-soil learning this coming year. The Direct Appeal pledges also enable the implementation of Inspiration in the Classroomwhich will touch the learning life of more than 5,000 children in 200 classrooms in 2016/17 by providing a comprehensive learning resource for primary students, teachers and libraries featuring two inspirational books: Plant a Seed & See What Grows and What to Do with What You Grew, along with workbooks, and planting kits.
Thank you to our host, sponsors, guests and volunteers for making our inaugural Gala an amazing success!
Our generous sponsors included: Bulmer Investment Group/ScotiaMcLeod and Clark Wilson LLP at the Platinum level, Gold sponsor – KPMG, and Silver sponsors – Enzymotec USA, DSM and Mathews Dinsdale.
Our Gala Makes the News!
Our gracious Gala MC, Tracy Moore, recently featured our inaugural gala in her popular talk show and television program Cityline. The clip includes images from the event and comments from our Executive Director, Dennis Charland and Kids Right to Know founder, Rachel Parent who spoke at the event.
Check it out!
Visit Our Kids Corner
Youngsters can join Michael and Megan (the Foundation’s virtual kid ambassadors) online at our website’s Kids Corner. It features free, fun, safe and easy to use online activities and games rooted in the love of growing food and the Foundation’s commitment to fostering young people to become stewards of Planet Earth. Inspired by the Plant a Seed & See What Growschildren’s book, the Kids Corner will intrigue pre-schoolers and primary students. There’s also great information and resources for parents and caregivers on how to introduce the seed-to-table cycle, plant a garden and enjoy hands-on learning with your kids on the Foundation’s blog page.

Visit the Foundation’s Kids Corner for kid-friendly online activities & games!

Market garden launched!
Sutherland Secondary School market garden officially opened in North Vancouver on June 12, 2015. Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation was pleased to be one of its sponsors. Sutherland’s market garden is a community effort, and the Foundation was pleased to provide funding and supplies for the fence surrounding the garden.
School gardens provide a venue for creating a healthier generation of children through outdoor experiences that connect them to the land, and at the same time provide opportunities to improve our communities. See our blogs about the garden . . .

Seed classes sown in Burnaby schools!
This spring more than 800 students across three Burnaby elementary schools will experience Seed Classes thanks to a partnership between the Foundation and Barb Koyanagi McMahon, founder of Sprouting Chefs. Barb will lead the Seed Classes and teach youngsters how to plant seeds to grow food for their school gardens using organic seeds provided by the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation. Students and teachers from Forest Grove, Windsor and Lochdale Elementary schools are all part of this hands-on project. The Seed Classes run this April.
Our Vision
Our vision is to help create a healthier generation through experiences that connect us to the land and provide opportunities to improve our communities.
Our Values
Respect – As an organization, we cherish our interconnectedness as individuals, as communities and as members of our global village. Each individual, each element, is as important as the collective whole.
Health and Wellness – Because we are interconnected to one another and we value the individual, our focus is on the health and wellness of others. We believe in a preventive, proactive and compassionate approach to better health so we are all able to fully participate in our communities.
Power of Giving – We believe in the power of generosity and kindness as a way to improve peoples’ lives and the neighbourhoods we live in.
Collaboration – We support other organizations to develop or deliver programs and services that multiply our impact to communities.
Integrity – We are accountable and transparent in the work that we do in the communities we serve.
Board of Directors
Roland Gahler, Chairman and Founding Patron
Mike Hobson, CGA, Treasurer
Dennis Charland, Executive Director
Dr. Priya Manjoo, MB, BS, RCPSC
Veronica Kacinik, MSc, RD, PHEc
Fund Development Advisory Committee
Don Bulmer, MBA, CFP, CIM, Committee Chair
Keith J Murray, BA, LLB
Neil Melliship, BA, LLB
Scott Wyper, BA, CA
Education Advisory Committee
Rachel Burton, BA, BEd, Committee Chair
Shawn Serdar, BFA, BEd
Sean Mackenrot, BSc
Marisa Nichini, BSc, MA
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Thank you to all our donors.