How Kids Have Super Power

This isn’t about Netflix’s Stranger Things and the slew of other TV shows and movies featuring adolescents with supernatural abilities. That’s all fiction. Instead, this feature is about how kids have power, real power, that us adults simply do not have. And no, we’re not being hyperbolic. More importantly, this article intends to let kids know (through parents their who are reading this) what this power is and how they can use it for the greater good. Without further ado, let’s get to it!
The Super Power That All Children Have and How to Harness it to do Something Amazing in this World
Real Examples of Kids’ Super Power
Instead of leading off with an explicit statement about what this super power is, we thought we’d show you direct examples of it in action. Please watch each of the videos below:
In the first video, Gotta Have Sole, we learn about 14-year old Nicholas Lowinger who wrote to shoe companies like Ed Hardy, New Balance, Timberland, and Zappos to support his cause to provide footwear to thousands of underprivileged children. To date, Gotta Have Sole has reached more 11,000 youth in need thanks to Lowinger’s uncanny ability to prevail upon multimillion dollar conglomerates to make contributions. In the second video titled Make it Happen, 13-year old Cassandra Lin was able to convince local restaurants to donate all of their used cooking oil so that it could be reused to create fuel for her eco-conscious TGIF initiative. If an adult had approached these same commercial business, they probably would have been met with suspicion, resistance, or indifference at best. Meanwhile, in the Melati and Isabel Wijsen video we discover how two young girls (10 and 12 years old) were able to help convince the Indonesian government to ban the use of harmful plastic bags across the entire country. Professional adult lobbyists who have been campaigning for the same in other coastal nations have had their voices fall on deaf ears.
By now many of you will have figured out what this adolescent power is – persuasion. When this power is channeled towards something positive it comes a super power. Please keep reading.
Channeling Their Super Power Through Passion
Kids have the power of persuasion over us adults, not because they’re adorable (although that part doesn’t hurt) but because we can hear and feel the authenticity behind the pleas to make a change. We know that there are no ulterior motives behind any of it. We are therefore more likely to agree to their requests compared to when our peers (other adults) make the very same appeals.
But therein lies the key. For authenticity to shine through a child must truly be passionate about a project. Therefore, to channel their super power children should be encouraged to get involved in or start an altruistic project that is based on a deep-seeded interest of theirs, be it a beach cleanup or mission to help a community in need. They will decide what their passion project is, while you can follow their lead and provide guidance and support.
How to Use Their Super Power
Once a child is empowered with the realization that they have this super power of persuasion, they can use it for the greater good (as per above). While even the most jaded politician or corporate bigwig is generally powerless against the requests of kids who are vocal and passionate about a cause, there are some ways to encourage them to open up their hearts, minds, and wallets even further.
For one, make it so that a child’s voice can be heard on a grander scale. For instance, if they have a social media platform (managed and monitored by their parents) they can use this platform to approach gatekeepers in a public forum. Knowing that others are paying attention, this will encourage decision makers and figureheads to listen and do their part to support a child’s given cause. Learn more on how to give kids a voice, which will help them better use their super power. Further, let your child know that there is even greater power in numbers. Yes, one kid has super power, but can you imagine the difference one can make when a group of inspired kids come together to achieve a goal? It’s like having the Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, or more aptly the Teen Titans on a mission to change the world for the better. This guide on how to create a Board of Directors of Kids was tailored to the creation of community gardens, but it can be applied to any worthy cause.
We hope that everything above will inspire you to empower your child, children, or students today. The Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation works tirelessly to inspire and promote healthy living for kids across Canada. Help us help the next generation by pledging your support too! View more on how you can get involved.