What Picking Up After Others Can Teach Your Kids

The above Inquiring Minds. Inspiring Finds quote from Bill Nye (the Science Guy) of “To leave the world a better place than you found it, sometimes you have to pick up other people’s trash” has motivated us to take a deeper look at valuable lessons for the next generation. The words can be taken literally and figuratively, with the former providing a direct opportunity to get your kids/students engaged in activities that they will learn from. Examples of these activities include the following:

  • Beach cleanup
  • Forest and/or publicly accessible ecological reserve cleanup
  • Community park and/or schoolyard cleanup
  • Community and/or school recycling drive

While all of the above will have a positive impact on the environment and community, there are a number of advantages for children who participate in, lead, or start an initiative.

Valuable Lessons Your Kids Will Learn When Encouraged to Pick Up After Others

Nurturing Behavior


By cleaning up after others, a child develops nurturing behavior. This occurs on two-fronts; one as a caretaker of the environment, and the other as a warden for those who have not yet learned to be more mindful of their impact on their surroundings. This is a trait that will serve them well, be so as an older sibling or peer tutor today, or as an educator, parent, and/or guardian in the distant future.

A Teacher of Observational Learning

As a parent and/or educator, you know that children develop behaviors through observational learning. But by getting involved in picking up after others they have the opportunity to understand what it’s like to be on the other side. Their sustainable actions will echo into others around them, including family members, friends, peers, fellow students, and even grownups in the community who witness their altruistic deeds.


Teach Your Kids to Pick Up After Others

As someone who cares about the environment, you wince when you witness someone toss a soda can out of the car window. You feel frustration when walking along the beach to find plastic water bottles near the shore. You release an aggravated grimace when cardboard boxes are found in the condo garbage bin instead of the appropriate receptacle. But you also recognize that these feelings don’t serve you well. They hamper your mood and can negatively impact the way you interact with others. You’re working on it, of course, but certainly don’t wish the same for your kids. You want them to develop healthier reaction strategies, which is why the cleanup activities referenced in the introduction are a great idea. Enthusiasm about such activities will teach children to be patient with others, despite careless or thoughtless behavior. This is yet another trait that will serve them well as they get older and enter adulthood.


A number of people who litter and do not act environmentally responsibly may do so because they have not been taught otherwise. They may come from homes or cultures where environmental stewardship is far from the norm. Being there to pick up after this group, can teach kids to be empathetic to differences. It may teach them to take a more understanding approach to dealing with those who have not been given the opportunity (by their own parent/educators) to take a proactive role in protecting the planet.

Communal Responsibility

What Picking Up After Others Can Teach Your Kids

Picking up after others teaches kids that we live in an interconnected world, one where people must depend upon one another. It fosters a sense of community that encourages children and those in their social circle that togetherness is the key to moving forward, even if communal evolution begins with the act of one individual at a time.

They’ll be More Mindful of Their Own Impact

Lastly, is the first lesson to take effect. When you encourage your kids/students to pick up after others they become more mindful of their own impact on their surroundings. This self-realization will be beneficial at a macro- (the earth) and micro-level (playground, classroom, home). Feel free to thank us when they stop leaving their toys and things on the living room floor!

We hope everything above provides you and your children/students with inspiration to practice environmental stewardship. Meanwhile, please note that the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation inspires and promotes healthy living and learning for kids across Canada. You can help us help the next generation by pledging your support too! View more on how you can get involved.

What Picking Up After Others Can Teach Your Kids

Earth Day 2021 Livestreams

Our videos with Mark Cullen and Brian Minter

Growing Mindful Children

Our Video clip from the 2020 Celebration of Great Health (9 min)


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