Things Kids Can Do Outside (that they wouldn’t normally do)
Childhood benefits of being outdoors are well researched, documented, and reported to the general population. Conversely, the disadvantages of being indoors too often are also understood:
“A recent Statistics Canada report found that children between the ages of five and 17 had an average of three hours of screen time per day. Most screen time is spent indoors. All of this time inside hurts children’s health […] Childhood obesity — obesity in general, not even childhood — is a huge one […] and with that comes Type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders and so forth.” (Dr. Mark Tremblay, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute)
Having accepted this, parents across Canada encourage their kids to enter Mother Nature’s embrace as often as possible. They do so by enrolling them in a variety of athletics and activities, and yet it never seems to be enough. In fact, recent data finds that children today engage in 50% less unstructured outdoor activities, with only 27% playing outside regularly.
The above reference to unstructured outdoor activities is important to today’s discussion. There are only so many school and community organizations and leagues for children to participate in. Further, they may not be interested in the organized pursuits that are available in a given community. So how can parents do their part to get the remaining 73% of kids to simply be outdoors more? With warmer spring and summer days fast approaching (at press) the prospect is much easier than most realize. There are a number of things that children already do that can be moved outdoors where they will reap numerous rewards. Let’s review!
5 Things That Your Kids Typically Do Inside That Can be Taken Outside (and the benefits of doing so)
Reading / Studying Outside

Whether your child reads for school, leisure, or both, encourage them to snuggle up with their textbooks, novels, comics, and other publications outside. Research indicates that reading and studying outside offers numerous benefits, including the following:
- Improved focus and concentration on their reading/study materials
- Enhanced reading comprehension
- Expanded vocabulary and knowledge from exposure to a more diverse range of sensory experiences
- Reduced stress and anxiety regarding required reading
- Enhanced creativity and imagination from exposure to a more diverse range of sensory experiences
- Enhanced memory and attention
- Improved mood and self-esteem
- Eye strain relief
- Improved sleep
- Encourages physical activity as they will be more likely to kick a ball around (etc.) when taking a break from reading/studying
- Enhanced love for reading from associating reading with the joys of being outdoors
Online Outside

Let’s be honest, it’s unrealistic to ask your child to detach from being online. A significant amount of their schoolwork and social interactions occur on digital platforms. While increased outdoor time will mitigate excess, encouraging them to take their smartphones and tablets on to the porch, patio, and yard can also make screen-time healthier. Advantages of swapping inside environments for the outdoors when online are the same as those connected to studying and reading physical text (above).
Creative Time Outside

You love that your child enjoys crafting, drawing, painting, sculpting or whatever it is that they do to express their imaginative side. As a result, you don’t even think to suggest that they move creative projects outdoors. However, when considering that exposure to a more diverse range of sensory experiences outside will enhance creativity and imagination, your child will be better enabled create their next masterpiece! It also creates less household mess, which is something that you as a parent will certainly appreciate.
Food-Prep and Cooking Outside
As a part of the effort to encourage your child to want to eat healthier, you have gotten them more involved in food-preparation and cooking in the home. As it turns out, there are benefits to moving this practice outside when possible/practical. The advantages of doing so include the development of healthier eating habits, reduced energy costs, improved air quality, and a more enjoyable, stress-free experience. Further, it better connects the dots on the seed to table process, especially if you have a backyard garden where ingredients are grown. Households that are able, are encouraged to install food-prep and cooking stations outside on the deck. It needn’t be a large investment, as a countertop, washing station, and outdoor grill can do just fine.
Eating Outside

Such a simple thing comes with a big benefit that you and your child will appreciate when eating nutritious foods. While not a definitive scientific consensus, many factors suggest that food can taste better when eaten outdoors. This is related to heightened senses in fresh air, reduced distractions, and the psychological benefits of being in nature. So if you’re child is a little averse to certain types of greens and the like, enjoying them outdoors with the family can make it all more palpable. Over time, they will come to develop a more positive association with those foods. The next thing you know they will be asking for second servings and roasting asparagus instead of marshmallows! Well, maybe.
We hope everything above provides you and your children with inspiration to spend more time outside. Meanwhile, please note that the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation inspires and promotes healthy living and learning for kids across Canada. You can help us help the next generation by pledging your support too! View more on how you can get involved.