How Your Kids Can Inspire Other Kids

How Kids Can Inspire Other Kids

We often use our Foundation’s blog to inform parents and educators about how to inspire kids to follow their passions and make a positive difference in the world. As a result, there are children all over the country who have done exactly that and found great success in their diverse and respective projects. However, there are a number of young superstars who want to take their good work a step further by inspiring others of the same relative age to chase their own dreams. Nothing warms our Foundation’s heart as much as this delightfully unexpected (somewhat) side effect. Is your child, student, or group of students among them? If so, how can you help them inspire their peers? Below are some helpful tips!

3 Ways Your Inspiring Kid/s Can Motivate Their Peers to do Great Things in this World

I. Start a Channel

Our forefathers and foremothers had public forums in the street and soapboxes to stand upon when they wanted to inspire others with their ideas. Today’s generation, has social media. And it allows them to reach a much wider audience on a regular real-time basis.

Parents and educators (with parental oversight) are encouraged to set-up digital profiles that will empower kids with a platform that will allow them to reach and inform other children about the success they have had in following their passion projects. When kids see other kids doing something great, they become motivated to do something too. Look no further than superkid Gitanjali Rao (TIME’s first-ever Kid of the Year) who created the Kindly app to put an end to bullying. In our Foundation’s video below, we describe how Gitanjali wants to use her success in something she cares about to inspire other children to do the same, because as she puts it; “Anyone can do it!”.

Gitanjali uses Instagram as a social channel of choice to share her inspirational story.

Your child, student, or group of students can also use Instagram or YouTube (etc.) to share their successful project/s. Please note that this channel should not be set up as a personal account but as a platform to feature their cause. Whether they will be shown or heard as the voice of the channel will be at the discretion of parent/s and child, assuming that minimum age-requirements are met.

II. Start a Group

Parents and educators (with parental oversight) may also encourage kids to set-up of online groups regarding local, national, or global topics that their age-appropriate peers can join, with your child/student (and yourself) serving as the moderator. For instance, a group can be about ocean conservation and marine stewardship if your child/student spearheaded a successful project (i.e. monthly beach cleanup). They would share their story with members of the online group, and invite their peers to ask questions, engage in discussions, share ideas, and ultimately build an online community of young go-getters who want to do great things for their environment.

If you set-up a Facebook Page (vs personal profile) as a channel (as per above) for your child/student to share their inspiring journey, you can then set up a Facebook Group. View details on age restrictions and rules here. Alternatively, popular parent/educator resource has provided a list of safe online communities for kids and teens to interact as a group on topical discussions.

III. Join a Cause

Above we have referenced how today’s topic relates to kids who have done some pretty amazing things in the community, and how that is the catalyst for them wanting to inspire others. However, most children have done amazing things, but not on a scale large enough that would catch the attention of the media or go viral on digital platforms. This does not mean that their smaller personal successes and/or wonderful beliefs about something should be kept in their limited familial or social bubble. Encourage them to expand upon their smaller projects or desires to do inspiring things by getting involved in a local cause that is dear to them. This will give them the opportunity to grow their profile as a young figurehead, which will in turn increase their ability to inspire others. There are numerous volunteer opportunities in your community that can help make this happen.

The Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation works tirelessly to inspire and promote holistic health and wellness for kids across Canada. Help us help the next generation by pledging your support too! View more on how you can get involved.

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