How Kids Become Heroes (with your help)

We’re going to start this feature with yet another look at an Inspiring Minds, Inspiring Finds video, not only to celebrate Davyon Johnson’s heroism, but to provide a clear example of what can be accomplished with some guidance and preparation:

Admittedly, the title of the video is a little misleading. Children (bless their hearts) already know what the right thing to do in scenarios like those addressed in the video are concerned. In that sense they are all heroes who are willing to assist those in need. However, it’s the execution that they require our grownup help with. And that is what today’s article will provide you (a parent or teacher) with some insight into. Please keep reading.

3 Practical Yet Powerful Tips to Helping Your Kids Become the Heroes They Are Meant to Be

I. Share Tutorials on Life-Saving Strategies

If there was ever an example of how time on YouTube (etc.) can be beneficial, it’s Davyon Johnson’s. Through all of the noise on streaming services and social media, there are engaging and helpful guides that can be very effective in teaching your kid/s how to help and/or save someone, perhaps even their own loved one. Perform and online search for these tutorials and select those that are best suited to the age of your child/children. Viewing can be added to their weekly at-home or at-school lesson plan until they exhibit a strong grasp on the concepts. Watch along with them the first time so that you can answer questions and express interest in the content yourself. The latter is an observational learning method that makes kids more interested than they may be when left to do the “work” on their own. Search age-appropriate video tutorials for the following events that may occur in their environments:

  • How to help someone who is choking
  • How to use an epipen
  • What to do when someone is having an allergic reaction
  • What to do when you see someone’s home on fire
  • How to help someone who is being bullied
  • How to help someone who is being abused
  • What to do when you witness a crime
  • Other (anything else you can think of in your child’s community)

II. Share Stories About Real Super Heroes They Relate Too

Sharing the video above about Davyon Johnson and other stories from within Inspiring Minds, Inspiring Finds is a great place to start. Beyond that, an online search for similar features on kids that your child/children can relate to (in age, socioeconomic status, culture, etc.) will help. As they observe peers doing amazing things to help and save others, they adopt similar behaviors, and one day may be the one other kids look to for inspiration!

III. Volunteer to Help Others

If a child/student has not grownup around role models to instill within them a sense of altruism, compassion, and service to their community, give them the opportunity to learn these traits, starting today. Together, volunteer with local charitable groups, organizations, and foundations that are happy to have kids help out in any capacity. Among the numerous benefits such as building self-esteem and leadership skills, your child/children will discover their inner-hero (who is already there) and bring him/her to the forefront for all see (and possibly depend on, one day).

How Kids Become Heroes with Your Help

The Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation works tirelessly to inspire and promote holistic health and wellness for kids across Canada. Help us help the next generation by pledging your support too! View more on how you can get involved.

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