Create a garden. Because you know, Stone Soup.
Stone Soup is an old folk story in which hungry and travelling strangers use a stone to persuade villagers to each share whatever contribution of food they had to make a soup so that everyone could enjoy a hearty meal. The lessons of this story are the values of...
How to Celebrate…World Toilet Day?
You read that right. November 19th of each year is World Toilet Day. And no, this is not one of those silly social media “Days of the Year” inventions that provide content creators with an excuse to post something amusing on Instagram and TikTok. World...
How to Attract Fireflies to Your Garden
Did you know that fireflies are among Canada’s top nocturnal pollinators? These beneficial bugs are all the buzz amongst kids. However, they are typically discovered on camping trips and rarely close to home. However, it’s possible to increase your...
Jennifer Kerr: Integrate naturopathic and conventional medicine to lessen burden of the health care system
Since 2017, the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation has helped support 16 post-secondary students in the fields of applied sciences in sustainable agriculture, applied biology, food and the environment or horticultural programs and in naturopathic medicine...