Cultivating Health: School Breakfast Programs and Community Gardens
Cultivating Health: School Breakfast Programs and Community Gardens March is Nutrition Month in Canada, prompting reflection on the pivotal role of nutrition in fostering well-being. Within this context, the Plant a Seed & See What Grows’ initiatives,...
Create a garden. Because you know, Stone Soup.
Stone Soup is an old folk story in which hungry and travelling strangers use a stone to persuade villagers to each share whatever contribution of food they had to make a soup so that everyone could enjoy a hearty meal. The lessons of this story are the values of...
Jennifer Kerr: Integrate naturopathic and conventional medicine to lessen burden of the health care system
Since 2017, the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation has helped support 16 post-secondary students in the fields of applied sciences in sustainable agriculture, applied biology, food and the environment or horticultural programs and in naturopathic medicine...